Dorothy J. Piper

Treasurer of the Board of Trustees – S/HE Identity, Inc.
Dorothy J. Piper was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. She graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a degree in elementary education and did her graduate studies at the University of Michigan. She retired after 40 years in education as a classroom teacher for the Detroit Public Schools;, U.S. Department of Defense in Karlsruhe, Germany; classroom teacher/literacy coach for Harrison School District #2 in Colorado Springs, Colorado; and site coordinator for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The U.S. Department of Defense as well as the state of Colorado for Title I, has honored her as “Outstanding Teacher of the Year”. Dorothy has enriched the lives of students and adults academically and personally. Her ongoing mission has been to support and educate individuals with patience, understanding, and love. Her philosophy is to share the torch of hope for the future and light those candles of all within her reach. Most importantly, to teach not only with your mind—but also with your heart centered on God’s love.
Since retirement Dorothy has served as part-time literacy consultant and literacy interventionist for various school districts. She has been co-president and currently vice president for Pikes Peak International Reading Association, supporting educators, families, and students with conferences, grants, and workshops in literacy. She currently serves on the Harrison School District #2 Federal Credit Union-Supervisory Committee, ensuring that the board of directors and management of the credit union;
- Meet required reporting objectives.
- Establish practices and procedures sufficient to safeguard member’s assets.
She serves on the True Spirit Baptist Church finance committee, working as part of a team to manage and track the congregations’ budget and finances. She also serves on the audit committee for her sorority, meeting compliance procedures.
Dorothy resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado with her husband of over 43 years. They have been blessed with a wonderful son, daughter-in-law, and two beautiful grandchildren. She enjoys reading and attending her weekly bible study group, consisting of her retired colleagues. Her strength comes from serving God, staying dedicated to His word, and empowering grace towards other.